ruth bloch rubin

31st D.B. Hardeman Prize Winner - Dr. Ruth Bloch Rubin

Ruth Bloch Rubin of the University of Chicago - Reforming Congress

Ruth Rubin - Bin ich mir a Schnayderl (Yiddish Song)

Ruth Rubin 'Farbenkt'

Ruth Bloch, 2015 - Holocaust Interview

Ruth Rubin Performs 'Hot zikh mir di zip tsezipt'

Ruth Rubin - Ale Vasserlech

Ruth Rubin, Pete Seeger - Lomir Zich Ibberbetn

Gitare / Sheltn, Shelt Ich Dem Tog

A gitn pirem malekh - Purim Song from the Ruth Rubin Archive in Poylish Yiddish #Jewish

Ruth Rubin - Beker Lid

Beker Lid

Ruth Rubin - Gitare (Guitar)

Beker Lid

Ruth Rubin - Fishelech Koyfn

Ruth Rubin - Papir Iz Doch Vays (Paper is White)

Beker Lid

Ruth Rubin, Pete Seeger - Oksn

Ruth Rubin, Pete Seeger - Shayn Bin Ich, Shayn

Ruth Rubin - Shir Ha-Hagana


Ruth Rubin - Shir Ha-Avoda

Ruth Rubin - Sheltn Shelt Ich Dem Tog (I Curse the Day)